It's been two months since I last updated this, and I haven't written since then for a number of reasons. I was pretty busy over the holidays, we had some things to deal with at work and we're only getting busier, I've been doing some volunteer and freelance work on top of it, and I've also been doing some wedding planning work. Not to mention doing a bit of experimenting in the kitchen. And dealing with a rather bad case of the doldrums, or winter blues. But these aren't the only things that have been keeping me from writing. For a while there, I just didn't really feel like indulging in the openness that blogging entails. I felt like insulating myself, like turning inward and just sort of staying put, physically and emotionally.
There's also been something else holding me back from blogging. Obviously one of the things that will increasingly take up more and more of my time is wedding planning, and at first I thought I wanted to share all the details--good, bad, and ugly--on this blog with anyone happening to read it. But then I realized just how personal and emotionally charged a lot of wedding planning really is, especially since Jeremy and I are going about it in a somewhat unconventional way. And I realized that I don't necessarily want to put all of that out there, for everyone to read.
Not to mention that probably not that many people would be interested in reading it, since it's not like everyone is constantly thinking about weddings.
And not to mention that there are countless other wedding blogs out there.
And not to mention there is a lot more to life than just weddings.
I've been writing about my planning experience on the site Offbeat Bride, which has a private online community section for other people also actively planning their weddings. It's been great to connect and vent and brainstorm and get suggestions with thousands of other women who are going through just the same thing.
For a while I was considering just quietly letting this blog disappear, figuring that maybe sometime in the future I'd come back to it, or just start over again with a new blog entirely. But I was recently talking to a friend who also writes a blog and who updates it quite frequently and she gently recommended that I should consider picking up the blogging again. And I do like having an outlet where I can write regularly. So I think I'll give it another shot and see where it takes me. I'm not exactly sure what sorts of things I'll write about in here. I guess we'll all have to stay tuned and find out!